About Me!

                                                My first stage- Grade 6 at John Coboto Elementary
                                             My second stage- Grade 3 at Carlyle Elementary
                                                     My third stage- Grade 1 at Sinclair Laird Elemntary

 I am a U3 Bachelor of Education student. I grew up in a small town north of Montreal with my mom and my two older brothers.I graduated from a Laurentian Regional High School located in a small town called Lachute.  I aboslutely loved my high school. We had a huge campus, with a soccer field, baseball field, track course, footbalI feild, and a volley ball court. I took part in many extra curricular activities, such as, school plays, student councel, and different committees.   once I finished high school, I moved to Montreal to continue my education. I am now 22 and live in an apartment in Mont Royal with my little dog Zara. Once a week I work with an 8 year old boy with Down syndrome, who I love to death! On weekends I work at a ski hill in the Laurentians, and on my free time I enjoy snowboarding.

Interests, Activities, & Plans
Any chance I get, I try and come back home, I love being in the country. I enjoy spending most of my time outdoors. During the winter  I spend a lot of time snowboarding, cross country skiing and snowshoeing. I absolutely love it. Throughout the summers I spend most of my time on the lake with friends. I also enjoy playing volley ball, soccer and even going on summer hikes.

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